Comments:American pop star Whitney Houston dies at 48

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Whitney Houston was a great singer.

Whitney Houston was a great singer. She was fourty eight. She had such a great voice. She will be missed.

21thingsiwantinalover (talk)19:55, 14 February 2012

Comments from feedback form - "I will always miss Ms. Whitney..."

I will always miss Ms. Whitney Houston (talk)22:27, 15 February 2012

hi there i'm very sadness over whitney houston i just don't know why she doing this like that why doing herself try to killed herself is not the answer on this is wise and bobby is not helping her he crazy doing this but why i felt bad for kistina i really felt sorry her she lost her mother but i know she sadness of her is to bad because of this of drugs some people have to learn about the problem they need help very have to get helping for self have do about this or go to rehab i want to i will always love you to say good bye very traicley (talk)18:08, 14 June 2012

She would be alive...........

If Whitney had never met the asshole, Bobby Brown, she would be alive today. That prick destroyed her life. He needs to be put down, like the mangie dog that he is. What a foul creature he is!!!!

Doc4543 (talk)13:12, 31 March 2012

Comments from feedback form - "a day before my birthday"

a day before my birthday (talk)00:23, 14 March 2012

Comments from feedback form - "Why did she have to past away."

Why did she have to past away. (talk)00:51, 2 March 2012

Comments from feedback form - "a bit too clutered, but great ..."

a bit too clutered, but great in ever other aspect! (talk)15:25, 18 February 2012

One less degenerate around I guess. (talk)16:38, 12 February 2012

I'm very impressed with how you've recently ramped up your efforts in your Wikinews trolling campaign. (talk)18:09, 12 February 2012

DUM DUM DUM another one bites the dust (oh yeah!) LOL! I guess she didn't die of old age. Wacko Jacko, Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston... I guess some drug pusher somewhere is a very sad man... (talk) 22:41, 13 February 2012 (UTC) (talk)22:41, 13 February 2012