Comments:AT&T to purchase T-Mobile for US$39 billion

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comments from feedback form - "Great read, contains all the r..."006:01, 26 March 2011
Phone Merger619:19, 22 March 2011
LTE is also the path for Verizon119:10, 22 March 2011

Comments from feedback form - "Great read, contains all the r..."

Great read, contains all the required infomation. (talk)06:01, 26 March 2011

Phone Merger

"Bigger is better in a commodity game. Four providers were too many..."

I'm definitely not an expert, so please take this question as legitimate and not rhetorical; if this quote is true, why was Bell split into so many different companies, decades ago? (talk)01:14, 21 March 2011

It was required after a ruling of a judge. Bell was found to be a monopoly.

theMONO01:18, 21 March 2011

If then, wouldn't this merger result in a GSM monopoly for AT&T? (talk)03:56, 21 March 2011

Shhh don't tell them that. Thats why there are regulators that are still reviewing this deal, T mobile and AT&T may have agreed but the regulators still have to approve or else the deal will not be able to continue. (talk)05:41, 21 March 2011

I really hope this deal passes through the regulators and the FCC. As a T-Mobile customer, I can't wait to get my impatient hands on the iPhone 5. T-Mobile gets the iPhone, Apple gets 30+ million extra customers. Everybody wins! Tell this to the people in Congress. (talk)00:35, 22 March 2011

If you wanted the iphone you should have simply joined AT&T in the first place. This is a big lose for Tmobile customers who had relatively inexpensive plans and good access to network and will now have AT&T priced plans and good access to network. The gains are few and the losses are immense. Guess I'll have to change carriers again. (talk)15:09, 22 March 2011

LTE is also the path for Verizon

We ought to mention that this will in the long term do nothing special with regards to consumers having access to LTE - both AT&T and Verizon Wireless are moving towards LTE already. T-Mobile is, and has been, in the process expanding the use of the AWS band for HSPA+ high speed already, which is not compatible with any devices from AT&T currently.

This merger will leave Sprint Nextel as the sole (large) operator without an LTE network as announced plans stand at this time, with their network being focused on WiMAX instead.

Jkstark (talk)04:12, 22 March 2011

HSPA+ is not a legitimate 4G network. Neither is LTE, it's more like 3.9G. IMO, they're just a marketing term used by ad executives to convince consumers to buy their products using a lady in a pink dress. I heard that LTE Advanced may be the real 4G, but that may be 5 - 10 years off in the future.

As for Sprint, I think they may be left out in the dark unless they choose to abandon WiMax and step up their game. With an "AT&T-Mobile" union, plus Verizon, Sprint has a tough chance in staying competitive with the top 2, unless they choose to merge with MetroPCS (another CDMA network) or be eaten up by Verizon, which I seriously doubt could happen in the near future. Just a thought. (talk)19:10, 22 March 2011