Comments:77-year-old pastor found guilty of child rape and sexual abuse

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Cochinote015:03, 23 June 2014
So it's not only Judiasm and Islam who exploit children sexually.112:46, 10 May 2014

Hang him!!! (talk)15:03, 23 June 2014

So it's not only Judiasm and Islam who exploit children sexually.

Religion is fundamental for relaxing our minds while there are few elements in all religious setting where they abuse their power or authority to satisfy their own freaky desires. We must not blame religion for the work of few individuals but we must be aware about the issue so we can have greater say on how and why it is happening and we may accordingly change the system. (talk)03:08, 7 May 2014

Its so disappointing that an pastor can do malicious thing like this in a young girl its not right for anyone to do malicious things to other people. They must have punishment for this.

Melody espineli (talk)12:46, 10 May 2014