Comments:70 killed after tanker explosion in Nigeria

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I had release in another on-line Nigerian News site, about how my feonsei, Anne Cosgrove, was also in the serious accident. But, she was charged as a passener along with the driver of the car she was in,as being responsable. After much poltical endeavors, as to why chargeing an Amercan Citizen falsey, would be their own un-doing, I finally got an email from my feonsei.

Anne and a doctor treaing the minor injuries that Anne suffered as a result of the accident, veriied that the one who pressed bogus charges on her, dropped the charges,BUT still was chargeing the driver. However, since he isnt an American, then I leave that between the driver and thier attorney.

It was further ageed, that the one who droped the bogus charges, that shouldnt have been issued to start; replace, reimburse,or get my feonsei~new Plane Tickets, since they were at fault for causing her current plane tickets to expire. She was stuck in Nigeria, after an $80,000.00 USD~surgery. (as a result of a bad case, of Hepititus Disease)

She couldnt be allowd by the Nigerian Government to leave, until the bill was paid. I had contacted the sources I have, and long story short; the Amercan Embassy paid for all expenses, except $300.00. (I had to pay for that myself.) Embassy also paid for her tickets to fly back home, to USA; to join me in Yaka WA USA.

But the accident that caused a delay, and bogus charges that occured, thus caused the tickets to expire. Even if not charged, she could have recieved minor treatment, and made her flight on-time; with 1-2 minutes to spare.

Again, the settlement is; The guy who dropped the charges, will cover her fight expense back to Yakima, Washington USA, as per terms of OUR agreement. Furthermore, since Nigerain Courts still need her testimony in November, 2009 as a witness for some reason; it is also agreed, that since she is charged for being put up at hospital, till she can be given her documents and passort back, the $300.00 be split in half.

I agreed to a 1/2 at 2 payments, of 150.00, while they cover the other half, at $150.00. Once she is done giving testimony, her documents and Pasport, are said to be returned to her then, not before; as she will be on the way by, NO LATER THAN December 15th, 2009. That is when I meet her about 2 days later, at Yakima, WA USA Airport. So, I promised as part of the agreement, to posting a retraction; with update on an American Citizens status; my feonsei, Anne Cosgrove.

I look forward to the verified news of the hearing, and of Anne's documents and Passport being released back to her. When Anne returns, we intend to be married. May my love and thoughts be with her, till then...