Comments:'Imagine a world without free knowledge', in Russia

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
LiveJournal Popular?114:26, 11 July 2012
Comments from feedback form - "Wow!"016:28, 10 July 2012

LiveJournal Popular?

I don't know if anyone else noticed it, but the article says "popular blogging platform LiveJournal". For readers in the NA, Europe, and Oceania that certainly isn't the case, but after a bit of research I discovered that LiveJournal has actually become weirdly popular in Russia in the past 10 years, even as it has fallen out of favour in other parts of the world. This is so much the case that it was sold to a Russian company.

Also, despite branding similarities, it isn't related to Microsoft's Live platform. Huh. Who new? (apparently everyone but me:P)

Gopher65talk17:02, 10 July 2012

Comments from feedback form - "Wow!"


Bddpaux (talk)16:28, 10 July 2012