This is an internal Wikinews category

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These are copyrighted and/or trademarked logos. It is believed that logos may be exhibited on Wikimedia projects under the fair use provision of United States copyright law. Use of logos here does not imply endorsement of the organization by the Wikimedia Foundation, nor does it imply endorsement of the Wikimedia Foundation by the organization.

Logos and trademarks must be tagged with the {{logo}} template.

Corporate logos exist to make instant recognition of a company and its products or public image, usually with an intent to be a message, and this form of communication may be POV. Trademark law is somewhat unique, in that use of a trademark is a reasonable substitution for the corporation's name; but they may not be altered or defaced in any way.

Example of appropriate use: To illustrate an article about the joint General Motors and Toyota fuel cell project, both original trademarked logos are displayed separately.

Separate original logos used to illustrate an article about the two corporations.

Example of inappropriate use: A collage of over-lapping oil company logos to illustrate an article about a U.S. Senate debate over drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Altered (put together into a collage) logos of corporations which are not the focus of the article; the U.S. Senate is the focus.

Many logos are ineligible for copyright in spite of them being trademarked, so look on Commons for the logo before deciding to upload locally on Wikinews.


This category has only the following subcategory.


Media in category "Logos"

The following 200 files are in this category, out of 399 total.

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