Category:June 29, 2005

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News briefs

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Audio Wikinews transcript – 2005 06 29 – 22:00 UTC

As reported by Gabriel Hurley It is June 29, 2005 at 2200 UTC, and this is Wikinews: News Briefs.

Breaking News

Scenario for impeachment of Lula raised in Brazil
Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and his Workers' Party are the target of several serious accusations of corruption. With news media heavily covering the situation, popular support for the President is eroding.

Canadian House of Commons approves same-sex marriage
In a 158 to 133 vote, the House of Commons MPs have approved the legalization of same-sex weddings in Canada.

United States President George W. Bush makes speech to rally support for war in Iraq
Speaking before an audience of 750 soldiers and airmen on Tuesday night at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, US President Bush began an effort to shore up waning support for military actions in Iraq.

Closing Comments

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I'm Gabriel Hurley for, have a good day.

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