Wikinews:Dynamic quiz/instruct


|Q1=Question text       <!-- What question are you asking (include images here)-->
|Q1A=Choice A text      <!-- First Choice-->
|Q1B=choice B text      <!-- and so on, up to E (use CAPS)-->
|Q1ans=A                <!-- which choice is correct (use CAPS)-->
|Q1rel=See [[article question is about]]    <!--Article question is based on-->

|Q2=Next question text  <!-- and so on. Max 60 questions.-->

See {{quiz}} for more detailed instructions


  • The title of the quiz is "World News Quiz". Try to include news that is relevant for an international audience and that has some international importance.
  • Related to that, try to balance the questions so that no single continent or topic (like politics) dominates the news.
  • News from neglected places (like Africa) or on neglected topics (like health) can be favoured.
  • Try to put easy questions first and hard ones at the bottom.
  • Look for images to match with the questions, and leave some space between the questions with images.
  • A good quiz is one where nobody scores 10/10, and nobody scores 0/10; try to make it fun for everyone.