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Monday, May 6, 2024, 0721 (UTC)
Wikinews interviews noted juggler for International Jugglers Day
Wikinews interviews noted juggler for International Jugglers Day

April 18 was International Jugglers Day. To commemorate this day, Wikinews caught up with professional juggler Spencer Androli and talked to him about his history with this art and to discuss an accolade recently bestowed on him via YouTube where he was named top juggler on a top-40 list.

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NASA says object that hit Florida home is from International Space Station
NASA says object that hit Florida home is from International Space Station

NASA confirmed an object that struck a home in the US last month had originated from the ISS.

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Environmental protesters arrested at Massachusetts airport
Environmental protesters arrested at Massachusetts airport

Roughly 20 environmental protesters were arrested at a Massachusetts airport on Saturday morning. Protesters supporting Extinction Rebellion crossed into a security area and were arrested.

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Industry leaders see energy supply as the next hurdle for AI
Industry leaders see energy supply as the next hurdle for AI

In a podcast published on Friday, Mark Zuckerberg reiterated industry concerns that energy supply would soon become the major challenge to the further development of artificial intelligence (AI). These concerns echoed Elon Musk's warning from last month, that AI could exceed energy capacity as early as next year. According to Musk, AI technology is advancing at an exponential rate; by a factor of ten every six months.

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[edit] Credit: Jon Davis
Strega crossing the finish line to win the Gold Unlimited class at the Reno Air Races 2009

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