
Who or what influenced you to consider Michigan Tech?

I've always been a project-oriented or hands-on person. I learn best through actually applying mathematics and engineering in real-world situations. During my high school career, I've learned some aspects of graphic design, PHP/MySQL, loaded the Linux/Unix system on a PPC at home in order to achieve a totally new more efficient and attractive interface, and completed several basic electrical projects. Each of these activities required a certain degree of determination. I enjoy immersing myself in the subject matter and undertaking a project that requires me to learn and stretch the boundaries of my knowledge and skills.

I particularly enjoy creating and editing short films. Throughout my past three years in high school, I produce several short films or video clips on such topics as space travel, the addiction or obsession of video-gaming with high school students, and a theatrical farce for French class. Using my knowledge of PHP/MySQL, I assisted some businesses and friends in the Ann Arbor area with the creation news portals, links to maps to assist potential renters locate rental property, and other useful applications.

I have learned basic electrical engineering concepts through assembling from scratch AM radios, small generators, and basic robots. I spent two summer vacations enrolled in the U of M Engineering School Computer Aided Engineering Network Camp (CAEN). Camp CAEN projects included learning to assemble computer components and developing methods to improve the computer security. .

I had the opportunity to visit Michigan Tech last winter and thoroughly enjoyed the campus, the people I met and the skiing. I believe that Michigan Tech will provide the perfect environment for me to apply new knowledge to real-world projects working alongside other students and professors.