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Author : Svetlana Tkachenko
Licence: GPLv3+
Description: [beta] adds an "Open DupDet" tab which provides links to dupdet 
results against the external links present in the article
Version: 0.1
 - 2018-02-24 (0.1) - initial release
 - [ ] add 'check plagiarism' links next to the sources, IF the article is not yet published
 - [ ] provide links to earwig plagiarism checker
 - [ ] 
See also <> and
<> and 
mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.api', 'jquery.ui'], function () {
	// 'jquery.ui',
	"use strict";
	== Quit if this is not main namespace ==
	if (wgNamespaceNumber < 0)
	== Code ==
	var api = new mw.Api();
	== Show a dialog with links to dupdet ==
	This parses article contents, looks for URLs in the {{source}}
	templates, and provides a list of links to check the current article
	plagiarism score against these source URLs.
	function _showDupDetLinks(){
		== Show dialog ==
		This is stolen from
		var $dialog = $( '<div></div>' )
				autoOpen: true,
				title: 'Open DupDet - plagiarism check against external links.',
				width: '70%',
				position: ['top',30] ,
				modal: true
		== Parse the page and find external URLs provided as {{source}} params ==
		This is Wikinews-specific. {{source|url=...|title=...}}
		Avoid using regex for this task.
		// Construct an empty list
		var list = $('<ul></ul>');
		// Get current page name and URL
		var title = mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' );
		var url1 = 'http:' + mw.config.get ('wgServer') + wgArticlePath.replace('$1', title);
		// Create an API object
		var api = new mw.Api();
		// Query the wiki API to parse the page
		api.get( { // Corresponds to "api.php?action=parse&page=test"
    		action: 'parse',
    		page: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' )
		} ).done( function ( data ) {
			// Get all external links in the article
		    var elinks = data.parse.externallinks;
		    for(var i=0; i<elinks.length;i++){
		    	var elink = elinks[i];
		    	// Create the relevant dupdet URL
		    	var ddlink = '';
		    	var ddlink = ddlink + url1 + '&url2=';
		    	var ddlink = ddlink + elink + '&minwords=2&minchars=13';
		    	// Add the dupdet URL to the list
		    	var li = $('<li style="line-height:2.5;">').append(
		    		$("<a />", {    href : ddlink, text: elink, target: '_blank'})
		} );
		// Feedback links
		var a1 = $('<a>', {
			href: ' talk:Gryllida/js/plagiarismcheck.js',
			text: 'This script feedback'
		var a2 = $('<a>', {
			href: '',
			text: 'This script design'
		var a3 = $('<a>', {
			href: '',
			text: 'Ask a technical question'
		var li = $('<li style="line-height:2.5;">');
		li.append(a1);li.append(', ');
		li.append(a2);li.append(', ');
	var link = mw.util.addPortletLink(mw.config.get('skin') === 'vector' ? 'p-views' : 'p-cactions',
		'javascript:void(0);', 'Open DupDet', 'p-gryllida-plagiarismcheck', 'Check plagiarism in dupdet', '6'
	link.addEventListener('click', _showDupDetLinks);