Talk:Multiple computer worms released as "botwar" rages

Latest comment: 18 years ago by StuRat

The square brackets in a quote mechanism is used when you replace a word or phrase with another word or phrase of the same meaning, given the context of the quote. Mostly it's used to replace "it" (or similar) with the subject when the subject is outside of the quote. I abused the technique a little to replace "hacker" in the quote with "virus and worm writers" because I believe that the original author has incorrectly used "hacker", but I've never heard of square brackets to correct grammar or typos. Krisjohn 11:20, 18 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

This seems similar to me, by replacing what they actually said with what they meant to say. Perhaps we shouldn't quote sources that contain grammar and word usage errors, as they may contain factual errors, too. StuRat 19:23, 18 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

Microsoft Sucks


I have wasted an hour trying to find the stupid patch for this worm.All the "news" networks say "go to MSOFT's home page for the link. Bullroar...there is just an old link to the worm that was a problem last weekend. Paulrevere2005 13:22, 18 August 2005 (UTC)Reply

A neverending Story


Sometimes i think M$ use us all as beta-tester and if a operating system of them is stable after "millions" of updates and patches, they just release a new one and everything starts at the beginning. i wish u all the best for the future with your computers. Michel691

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