Nick Clegg is new leader of UK Liberal Democrat party

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

File:Nick Clegg MP.jpg

Nick Clegg MP, the new leader of the Liberal Democrat party
(Image missing from Commons: image; log)

Nick Clegg has came out first in the race to become the new leader of the Liberal Democrat Party, the third largest party in the United Kingdom.

Clegg congratulated Vincent Cable on his performance as acting leader of the Liberal Democrats, which he took after the resignation of Menzies Camp

He beat Chris Huhne in the party's election, although the number of votes was very close - Nick Clegg had just 511 more votes than Huhne.

During his acceptance speech he said "I want the Liberal Democrats to be the future of politics," and that he hoped his leadership of the Liberal Democrats would be about ambition and change. He also acknowledged that it was a close contest. His acceptance speech took place in a central London hotel.

In his speech he also criticized the Labour and Conservative parties by saying they were mutating in to one party and encouraged unsatisfied voters to vote for the Liberal Democrats.

Clegg in the Liberal Democrats

Before Clegg became a Member of the UK parliament, he had a variety of different roles on the Liberal Democrats, including a Liberal Democrat as the European Member of Parliament for the East Midlands.

He was also made the spokesman for Trade and Industry for the European Liberal Democrats and Reform group as well as campaigning to end illegal logging.

He became a Member of Parliament (for Sheffield Hallam)in the UK General Election in May 2005 after quitting his job as an MEP in 2002.


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