Thursday, November 15, 2007

Wikinews Reporter Rico Shen (left) and Claire Lin (Assistant Media Manager of Marketing Department, Pepsico Foods Taiwan).

Following the launch of the Doritos Coolpedia website on September 28, and voting on October 14, this website has now become a complex portal with textures, pictures, and multimedia after adding video candidate function. As Coolpedia originally followed Wikipedia's example of Internet-relay contribution, Wikinews Reporter Rico Shen interviewed Claire Lin (Assistant Media Manager of Marketing Department, Pepsico Foods Taiwan) about the origins and objectives of Coolpedia.


Brock: With witnessing the rise of Coolpedia, I wonder to know the origins of founding Coolpedia.

Claire: With a variety changes of some Internet language and phrases for younger people on the Internet newsgroups, BBS sites, discussion forums in Taiwan, Pepsico Taiwan decided to found Coolpedia website to gather some good quotes with their (younger people) creations named as "Internet Citizens". This foundation is matched as Doritos' brand symbol - Bold & Creation, and Coolpedia made a impact with a great challenge in Taiwan's Internet culture.

Brock: With visiting this website and referred some backgrounds provided by Ogilvy Public Relations Taiwan, I found an interesting idea on the pursuit of "followed Wikipedia's example". Coincidently, Wikimania 2007, held on August in Taiwan earlier, encouraged Internet users' contributions with knowledge for a "Knowledge Without Borders" pursuit not only the conference but also the showcase. What do operation team of Coolpedia think about this?

Claire: Every Internet user knows "Wikipedia is the total of knowledge", but we (the team) think Coolpedia as the combination of "Internet culture" and "younger people" in Taiwan. Based on the multiple creation, we launched this site firstly with texture and picture contribution functions, next will join multimedia and video functions. I believe that Coolpedia and Wikipedia effected Internet culture in Taiwan deeply.

Brock: What's about the internationalization with several Chinese People from many countries world-wide?

Claire: Doritos is a notable world-class international brand by Pepsico. Many branches from Pepsico has their own ideas with their country culture, therefore, we won't promote the inter-language version of Taiwan's Coolpedia.

Brock: I've ever participated lots of press conferences and seminars such as YouTube, Microsoft, and some companies from IT industry in Taiwan. Those above mentioned on some issues of media reusing, copyright, and practices in society in Taiwan. Especially in some cases, some companies was sensitive on the computing crimes, pirate and illegal copy issues because those above were discussed by some people from governmental and security industries in Taiwan. And also, some Internet users may spread their own files created by the others so that the common practice will turn from bad to worse. With those issues, what should Pepsico regulate participants from Coolpedia?

Claire: We've regulated policies for participants. Of course, copyright violation will disadvantage Taiwan's Common Practice. If some participated works violated common practice, we'll decline those participations. Even though Coolpedia is similar as Kuso, but it is a conjunction with Internet creation phrases and younger people.


This exclusive interview features first-hand journalism by a Wikinews reporter. See the collaboration page for more details.