Comments:Texas wildfires push public resources to the limit

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Lack of public resources in Texas? No kidding!116:52, 4 October 2011

Lack of public resources in Texas? No kidding!

I lived in Texas a significant portion of my life. Here we have officials complaining about the lack of volunteers or personnel to fight fires, yet not a single official thinks about the lack of training for so many Texas young people, and the high number of unemployed, undertrained and basically disenfranchised people there are in the state of Texas. Are there any programs in place to help those people become firefighters? Accountants? or other necessary and vital occupations in Texas? (talk)03:09, 19 September 2011

Wait. I thought Mr. Perry could do no wrong. Maybe you guys aren't <snicker> praying hard enough </snicker>. (talk)16:52, 4 October 2011