Comments:Gbagbo detained by opposition forces and taken to meet Ouattara in Ivory Coast hotel

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youssouf is a big lyer117:03, 14 April 2011

youssouf is a big lyer

the president GBAGBO was not captured by the burkinabe allassane _ouatarra who dad was from burkina faso and his mum from mali both came to work in ivory coast were allassane was borned. he then went back to his country burkina for university. the prouve is that he has been in usa as burkina faso cityzen. later on and as our president houphouet was in trouble with european union and usa he called ouatarra as an african brother for help as our economy goes down. houphouet boigny made him premier minister to thank him. but when president died ouatara wanted more as he wants be president and this is where made the first war with france help....all this took to our president gbagbo arrest by french army and onuci to give him to people make sure that you got the right information before you writte down....because if you wrong information you don't do the righ thing now you go in ivory coast and look for right information cause we ivorian we will never give up our country to zarkosy for petrol and cocoa (talk)12:52, 14 April 2011

I say old chap, you must have a very high quality of education going by your grammar and spelling. Oxford I presume? (talk)17:03, 14 April 2011