Comments:Court decision means Floyd Landis loses Tour de France title

Latest comment: 16 years ago by Ironiridis

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Quite unfortunate. Although recent history, and what seems to be a general epidemic of lying (by no means restricted to sport) makes honest statements harder to believe, one can imagine what it would be like if he were innocent. However, I'm skeptical about his claims, unfortunately.

+ edit

About editing -- The main page's caption says "loose" his title, and that can't easily be edited! "Loose" means to release, and sounds just like the name "Luce". It's a very-common misspelling, made by people who otherwise are excellent spellers. 06:42, 21 September 2007 (UTC)Reply

  Done Thanks for pointing that out! irid t i e 06:46, 21 September 2007 (UTC)Reply

The wording is a little misleading, about how he's the first person in over 105 years; that implies that 105 years ago someone lost his title due to doping. It would be better if it said that he would be the first person in the 105 year history of the Tour de France to lose his title, or something like that.