Comments:A380 collides with regional jet at JFK airport

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Big, Bigger, Biggest. Why?115:04, 18 April 2011
Comments from feedback form - "Mistakes happen, this incident..."015:02, 18 April 2011

Big, Bigger, Biggest. Why?

We always seem to think bigger is better. Often it's not, as in airplanes, the national debt (well, any debt), and the world's population. When a thing is big enough to function efficiently, you don't have to make it bigger just to see if you can. Bragging rights aren't everything.

Scarabrae (talk)15:44, 14 April 2011

What does this have to do with this story anyways? (talk)15:04, 18 April 2011

Comments from feedback form - "Mistakes happen, this incident..."

Mistakes happen, this incident comes to us in the wake of the "air traffic controllers" falling asleep. Atleast both planes were on the ground ! I am more curious if the Air France Plane continued with its journey? (talk)15:02, 18 April 2011