Advocate poll: GLAAD support not unanimous in U.S. gay commmunity

Thursday, April 21, 2005
In a recent online poll conducted by The Advocate, some respondents spoke of their appreciation for the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD). But the organization, which has recently seen the resignation of its director, Joan Garry, faces opposition from a vocal minority of its constituency, as gaged by criticism from some responses to the poll.

When asked by the publication, "Is GLAAD an effective advocate for the fair portrayal of gays and lesbians in the media?', at one point on April 18, the tally of 2294 votes showed a vote of no confidence with 58.5 percent voting "No" and 39 percent saying "Yes." But less than 12 hours later the tide turned as a tally of 4055 votes reported showed 62.6 percent voting "Yes" to 35.9 percent voting "No."

The Advocate poll contains plenty of comments from constituents who approve of GLAAD, and these are readily found among the poll results. What is new is the realization that some in GLAAD's constituency is upset with the organization for various reasons including: perceived organizational greed, high administrative pay, charges of waste and inaction, and other forms of claimed ineffectiveness.
